Farm Products
What is our Products?
What is our Products?
Pullets for Sale
Pullets for Sale (SOLD OUT)
Pullets for Sale (SOLD OUT)
5 Week Old Pullets Hatch Date June 5th
We have the following breeds:
Barred Rock
Buff Orpington
Light Brahma
Olive Eggers
Rhode Island Reds
Mystic Marans
Golden Laced Wyandotte
All pullets have been vaccinated for Marek's disease. We guarantee our birds to be sexed females. If it happens that one of your birds is a rooster, you will get a full refund and we will take the rooster off your hands.
Fresh Farm Eggs
Farm Fresh Eggs
Farm Fresh Eggs
Farm Fresh Eggs
Our farm fresh eggs are from a variety of pasture raised hens. You will be amazed at the beauty of the variation of colors!
$7,00 a dozen
Delivery may be available
Personalized Chocolate
Personalized Chocolate
Homemade Chocolate Bars
Chocolate Covered Strawberries
Chocolate Covered Strawberries
Chocolate Covered Strawberries
Check our Online Store at search by store and type Binnewater Farm.
$35.00 a Dz.
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Ready for an adventure?
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